The weekend should be an opportunity to relieve stress, but not infrequently this opportunity is not utilized. In order for the weekend did not go away without leaving any meaning, it takes stretegi to avoid stress.
Some ways you can do to avoid stress on the weekend are as follows, as quoted from Goodrelaxation, week (07/01/2012).
1. Turn Off All Telecommunication Devices
Kinda hard to do for people who are super busy, but this is the most effective way to get out of the daily stressors that time rolls and routines. Turn off the cell phone is enough to get away from a variety of email notifications, messages on facebook, twitter and so on.
2. Watch Something Funny
Once separated from the roll of time, a nervous tension can only be relieved by certain ways such as watching a comedy show. Funny things around us, like the doings of the children could also relax the nerves of the severe problems.
3. Ignore The Urgent Business
Once upon a time, set this weekend as an unimportant day world, in a sense should not be thinking about something important. Everything is done on Saturday and Sunday should be the things that are not important, then the weekend will feel different.
4. Do Something New
New things that have not been done before not only adds to the experience, but can also divert attention from the problems that sometimes are carried from the workplace. Browse terbaikan places and have not been visited so busy, but maybe it's not far from home.
5. Doing Charity Work
Charities can provide all the benefits of the weekend, because in addition to relieving stress can give satisfaction to the inner or spiritual. Feel myself that not everyone had the good fortune will make people more motivated to celebrate his life, not to mention a lot to complain and eventually escaped from the stress.
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