Various studies from experts around the world also make a recommendation of certain food ingredients whose benefits are tremendous for your health. Whole foods is guaranteed to make you more healthy if incorporated into the daily diet.
For more details, refer to the 25 healthiest foods in the world as summarized huffingtonpost, Tuesday (07/02/2012) below.
Almonds are rich in fiber, protein, heart-healthy fats (unsaturated fats), antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. However, due to high calorie, not advisable to eat more than one ounce of almonds.
A quarter cup of almonds also contain 100 mg magnesium that increases heart and blood vessels, and 257 mg of potassium which helps prevent high blood pressure.
A study found that replacing some carbohydrate portion with nuts such as almonds reduces the risk of heart attack by 30 percent.
2. Apple
Apples are an incredible source of pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber that can lower blood cholesterol levels. Even the skin contains special compounds called amino ursolik. Several recent studies have found that the skin of apples can lower the obesity trend.
Apples also contain quercetin which works as an anti-inflammatory compounds and help prevent respiratory problems. In fact, one study showed that pregnant women who put apples into the daily diet reduces the risk of having a baby with asthma.
3. Avocado
The fruit is equipped with monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, vitamin C, E, potassium and lutein.
But when served with salad, unsaturated fats will absorb the sole carotenoid, lycopene and beta-carotene which helps protect you from cancer, eye health problems to heart disease.
Another study also found that this fruit plays an important role in inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer cells.
4. Paprika
Paprika is rich in vitamin C. But unlike other nutrient sources, peppers contain a relatively low sugar as well as providing fiber and antioxidants of the carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and zeasantin kriptosantin).
Carotenoids function improve eye health and is often associated with reduced risk of death from cancer and cardiovascular disease.
5. Black Tea
Similarly, green tea and white tea, black tea is also full of antioxidant flavonoids. The study shows black tea contain anti-inflammatory and immune booster as well as protection against some cancers, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, provided no added sugar and cream.
On the other hand, add the lemon in black tea can also help absorb antioxidants. But do not think that the antioxidant content of tea as well as fruits and vegetables because it's very different flavonoids.
Green tea and black tea polyphenols have an identical amount. Both can inhibit the DNA damage that is often associated with tobacco and other toxic chemicals.
6. Broccoli
Broccoli contains high fiber, low in calories, rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and beta-carotene. But not only that, these vegetables are also rich in vitamin C, E, B and minerals such as calcium, iron, selenium and potassium.
That means that broccoli can improve eye health and prevent macular degeneration along with the carotenoids lutein and zeasantin; prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, build strong bones and strengthens the immune system.
Sulforaphane content was high also can help fight breast cancer. In fact, a study in China revealed that women who eat plenty of vegetables is 62 percent less likely to die from breast cancer and if the family has a history of breast cancer, 35 percent less likely to relapse.
7. Brown rice
Brown rice contains fiber and nutrients that help you quickly feel full despite low calorie.
Moreover a study from Harvard University in 2010 found that eating two servings or more helps protect your body from type 2 diabetes compared with 5 servings of white rice that actually increase the risk of disease.
8. Cherry
Ornamental sweet tart fruit is rich in vitamins A and C, iron and calcium and low in calories. Cherries are also a good source of fiber and contain no salt or fat.
Cherries also contain antioxidants and led to studies showing that eating cherries or drinking cherry juice may improve cardiovascular health, play a role in managing pain, supporting the post-exercise recovery, and even help you sleep.
The experts of the Penn Institute on Aging at the University of Pennsylvania also noted that the antioxidants in cherries helps protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals that normally occurs when the body converts oxygen and food into energy.
9. Coffee
There have been many studies that found benefits of coffee, including the ability to prevent heart failure, reduce the risk of depression and some cancers, protects against diabetes, and even help extend the life of you.
Coffee also contains high antioxidant that is very good for brain health.
10. Black Chocolate
The flavonoids in chocolate can protect the heart from disease by lowering blood pressure, increases levels of good cholesterol and lowering "bad" cholesterol, improving blood flow, and even improve insulin sensitivity.
11. Eggs
Eggs provide the perfect protein, rich in nutrients, low in calories and fat. This is because eggs are rich in choline which is good for maintaining memory or visual memory while protecting the content of lutein and zeasantin thanks to her.
12. Ginger
Ginger can be consumed as a drink (decoction of roots) or cooked with other food ingredients.
Ginger has been proven as one of the anti-inflammatory and can help overcome nausea and digestive problems as well as contain antivirus.
National Institutes of Health also notes that ginger, either dried or juiced which can also be used to treat migraine, toothache, rheumatism, coughs, upper respiratory tract infection and abdominal pain.
13. Green tea
Green tea is made from fermented tea leaves that do not have the highest polyphenol content compared to other types of tea. These antioxidants help maintain a healthy heart and brain, and even protect against cancer.
A study showed that drinking three cups of green tea a day can lower heart attack rates of up to 11 percent and increase levels of good cholesterol or HDL. Another study found a link between drinking green tea with a lower risk of bladder cancer, breast and colon.
14. Oatmeal
Foods commonly eaten at breakfast is a source of soluble fiber that is very good and it means that oatmeal can make you full all morning. Oatmeal also has been shown as lowering cholesterol.
This is because the oatmeal is a major source of vitamin B1, B2 and E and minerals like zinc and iron.
15. Olive oil
Heart-healthy oils contain monounsaturated fat that is able to provide energy and make you feel full longer. In addition, this oil can also reduce the risk of heart disease.
Some research suggests that olive oil is also beneficial for controlling blood sugar and insulin levels, especially if you suffer from type 2 diabetes.
However, one tablespoon of olive oil contains 119 calories, so when taking them sought not excessive.
16. Orange
Oranges are a source of fiber, folate, antioxidants and of course vitamin C. As you know, vitamin C is important for the maintenance of immune function, wound healing and iron absorption.
17. Potato
Potatoes are very beneficial for health in any form, either fried or buttered it. However, if in its original form, the potato is very appropriate if incorporated into the diet is rich in complex carbohydrates, low in calories and fat free, cholesterol and salt.
Potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, B and potassium. Even the skin contains fiber which can help you to continue to feel full.
18. Sardine
According to a nutrition expert, Dr. Johnny Bowden, sardines are basically "healthy food in a can".
This little fish is one source of Omega-3 fatty acids amounted to 1950 mg best per 3 servings. Omega-3 alone is able to overcome the blood clots and support healthy brain function.
Sardines also contain niacin, calcium, protein, vitamin D, vitamin B12, phosphorus and selenium.
19. Spinach
This vegetable is rich in antioxidants lutein and zeasantin are capable of keeping your eyes stay sharp. Spinach is also full of vitamin A and calcium as much as 245 mg or about the same as a glass of milk. Besides spinach contains 3.2 mg of iron.
20. Strawberries
Red berries are low in calories and high in fiber. Not to mention the content of vitamin C is that for 86 mg for single servings as more than an orange.
Strawberries are also known to slow cognitive decline in elderly and protect the stomach from ulcers.
21. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and low in calories. Tomatoes are also rich in lycopene which may help fight cancer. Lycopene has also been shown to fight prostate cancer, lung and stomach.
22. Turmeric
Turmeric is known as one of the foods that are anti-inflammatory that can relieve arthritis, as well as diabetes, allergies and Alzheimer's disease.
23. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes provide vitamin A and beta carotene which can be an effective weapon to help keep your immune system stay strong. Sweet potatoes are also a source of fiber, folate and potassium are good.
Sweet potatoes can also be added to the skin because it can update the content of beta karotennya production of skin cells, helping to repair damage to the skin and makes your skin appear more shiny.
24. Seaweed
A tasty low-fat foods are rich in vitamin C, D, calcium and iodine which help maintain the health of your thyroid.
In addition to low calorie, seaweed is also a source of bioactive peptides that not only provide nutrients but also make an impact as a drug to overcome or prevent a disease.
25. Water
Never underestimate the power of a glass of water. Drink 91 ounces (women) or 125 ounces (men) will keep skin soft and keep your memory sharp, protect your joints, it can even help you lose weight.
Not to mention, the body is not capable of running a number of important mechanisms without water because the water helps the body digest food and absorb nutrients from food.
But water can also be obtained from certain foods such as watermelon and cucumbers as well as in other liquids.
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